Immobilien-Art: Luxury chalet

Magnificent country estate "Wilder Kaiser" Magnificent country estate
"Wilder Kaiser"
  • Plot size approx. 1,620 m2
  • Living/floor space approx. 669 m2
  • Terrace and balcony areas approx. 261 m2
  • Rooms 6

€ 17.8 million

First-Class chalet with a view of the Südberge mountains
  • Plot size approx. 329 m2
  • Living/floor space approx. 308 m2
  • Terraces and Balcony areas approx. 96 m2
  • Bedrooms 4

€ 7.9 million

Extraordinary alpine chalet
  • Plot size approx. 605 m2
  • Living/floor space approx. 385 m2
  • Terrace area approx. 149 m2
  • Bedrooms 4

€ 10.9 million

High-end luxury chalet with magnificent panoramic views
  • Plot size approx. 679 m2
  • Living/floor space approx. 442 m2
  • Total floor space approx. 600 m2
  • Rooms 6

€ 13.85 million

Outstanding luxury chalet with 360° - mountain panorama Outstanding luxury chalet
with 360° - mountain panorama
  • Plot size 797 m2
  • Living/floor space 369 m2
  • Balcony and terrace areas 197 m2
  • Rooms 6

€ 6.695 million


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